Sunday, October 24, 2010

eyeko giveaway

Monday, August 16, 2010

moar giveaways

enter here

entering more giveaways!

enter this giveaway here

you can enter this giveaway ^ here

you can join this giveaway here

magic maid's giveaway! here

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Yea, I haven't done a konad-icure in a really long time. But i used Sally Hansen-Blue Streak and plate m9
this picture doesnt do the color justice.. its so beautiful in person ):

Lady Bugs!

Used ORLY-red carpet for the lady bugs
Nicole by OPI- Yellow It's Me for the ring finger


Used ULTA- Sun-sational!

City Skyline Nails!

used Sally Hansen- Rockstar Pink!

Some new polishes i have!

So i went to a swap meet and got a few nail polishes
  • ORLY- Red Carpet
  • Essie- Primavera
  • black 2 way nail art pen
  • white 2 way nail art pen
And then I got some from target
  • Sally Hansen Extreme Wear- Rockstar Pink
  • Sally Hansen Insta-Dri- Blue Streak
  • Sally Hansen Insta-Dri- Mint Sprint
Ive used all the polish in some nail at except Primavera and mint sprint, but im real excited to try them out!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

whoo! cupcakes!
stolen kisses- nicole by opi

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

china glaze haul

so recently i bought my first bottle of china glaze!!! :D and then my mom bought 4 bottles of it from her friend. the colors

turned up turquoise (neon): a real pretty greenish-turquoise color, with a little shimmer
flying dragon (neon): a pretty purple with blue and pink and purple glitter.
blue sparrow (neon): a pretty royal blue with blue glitter
awaken: a dark grey shimmery color
devotion: a silver color with pinkish undertones
harmony: shimmery purple with silver accents.
joy: a rosy mauvey purpley color..

so yes. my china glaze count is up to 7 :D
but lame because i dont really wear the last four colors. ):
my strawberry nails this week!
an excuse to use my fimo fruits, finally.
pandas! i totally jacked this from some girl off tumblr. LMAO im so unoriginal. ):
really simple stripes. just to swatch my neww china glaze polishes. :D
thumb: blue sparrow (neon)
index: flying dragon (neon)
middle: turned up turquoise (neon)

my 2nd attempt at marbling. way better results.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


my new mosaic nails!

Monday, May 17, 2010

OPI nail polishes Ive gotten so far..

So far, I've got Kyoto Pearl, Passion, Pearl of Wisdom, Dim Sum Plum, and Alpine Snow.
Kyoto Pearl and Pearl of Wisdom are both really nice pearl colorss..really pretty. Passion, LOOKS like a pretty pink in the bottle. But on the nail, its horribly sheer, it just looks like a clear coat! Luckily i got this for free. Its good to use for french manicures though. Dim Sum Plum is a BEUTIFUL berry purple pink color. and Alpine Snow.......
I was told that Alpine Snow would be the best white to buy. So i bought it. But its so streaky! You need 3 COATS TOTAL to get it completely opaque. HORRIBLE. My friend told me wet and wilds white is better. A 99cent nail polish. FML


Probably my favorite so far.. inspired by those cute asian milk cartoon characters. :D

4 Little Piggies!

Pig nails .. SO cutee! sorry for the glare, the pinky is a little swirl for the tail..


Some rose nails ive done..


Watermelon nails ive done, really messy.. You WONT see me do ANY french tip designs.


Owl nails!

Tuxedo nails

Tuxedo nails ive done, with some really bad goopy black polish.

Water marbling!

A water marbling design ive done

Smiley nails

My smiley nails i did 5 months ago

Leopard nails

Leopard nails i did 5 months ago..


This is going to be a blog where i just post my nail designs.
my hauls
whatever.. :D